Blog 4 – Building to Sell


Now that you have decided to start your own Nursing Agency you are probably thinking about what the future will look like.


Are you building the business to sell, or are you building the business to hold into retirement?


This Planet is Australia’s preferred rostering and payroll software for nursing agency startups, so don’t worry, we are here to help our owners with those 2 options.

Starting, and building your nursing agency to sell, is easier than you think.

Many of the bigger, more established agencies, prefer to grow their businesses by buying smaller agencies in areas where they are not represented, rather than starting a new business.

So, if you know what the established agency businesses are looking for you just build to their requirements. They pay big dollars for the right business and we know what they want.


Now, if you want to grow your business to fund your retirement, then we can help you there as well.

In retirement your business will need to operate on “auto-pilot” – meaning you’ll need to set it up to run without you being there.

No matter what you have planned for your new business future we have the team that can make it happen.

Finally, we understand that starting your own business is a big decision, so we will make it as easy as possible. You will only start paying for the software once the business starts earning money, so you have nothing to lose to start your journey with us.


If you would like to know how to build as business worth $ 200,000 within 12 months call through to arrange a software demo.

We are looking forward to getting to know you, and what you have planned, assisting you where we can to make what you have in mind a reality.

Let us know if you would like a quick demo of the software to make sure it suits what you have planned.


Your Guarantee

And finally, let us know what you believe concerns you most working with a software provider, and we’ll include that as a guarantee.

This Planet 07 5478 3714


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