The Value of your new business

Now that you have decided to start your own Nursing Agency you are probably thinking about setting some targets.

  • What is the business looking like in 12 months.
  • How many Clients will I be working with.
  • How many internal Staff members are supporting my team in the field.
  • How are we attracting Nurses / Carers, and importantly, retaining them.

Clients will support you if you can solve their problems.

Ask what challenges they are facing – and, offer your solution.

Your new agency will have to compete against other agencies, so create a story around your new business, what you are looking to do differently that will benefit your clients.

If you need a hand with defining your business get in touch and we can run through a few ideas with you.

In relation to attracting your nurse / carer staff, again, you will again need to present a reason why they should work for you. Find out what is important to them and develop your solution.

One of our new agency clients recently created a commission-based referral program where staff received weekly commission as a percentage of shifts worked by those they referred. The same commission arrangement was in place for any new clients that were referred. As you could imagine this commission-based referral program was a huge success and responsible for rapid growth.

If you would like to know how to build as business worth $ 200,000 within 12 months call through to arrange a software demo.

We are looking forward to getting to know you, and what you have planned, assisting you where we can to make what you have in mind a reality.

Let us know if you would like a quick demo of the software to make sure it suits what you have planned.


Your Guarantee

And finally, let us know what you believe is the riskiest part of working with a software provider, and we’ll include that as a guarantee.


This Planet – 07 5478 3714

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